Dell OS10 Load Balancing with LAG Config
In this test case the goal is to create a simple load balancer using a reverse LAG port. The idea is to have one input port which is then mirrored to a logical LAG port and at the other end of the LAG port is a number of security sensors.
This is a duplicate of test 1 to verify my results. I began questioning myself after looking more closely at the data.
Helpful Links
ONIE Network Install Process Overview
My Configuration
General Configuration
- ONIE host is running RHEL 8
- I am using a Dell S4112F-ON for testing
- OS10
- PFSense running DNS and DHCP as services
RHEL Release Info
NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
VERSION="8.0 (Ootpa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 (Ootpa)"
REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8"
REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.0 (Ootpa)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.0 (Ootpa)
OS 10 Version
OS10# show version
Dell EMC Networking OS10 Enterprise
Copyright (c) 1999-2019 by Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
OS Version:
Build Version:
Build Time: 2019-10-19T00:29:00+0000
System Type: S4112F-ON
Architecture: x86_64
Up Time: 00:03:39
Setup ONIE Prerequisites
See ONIE Install Setup for instructions.
Configure Management Interface
See Configure Management Interface on Dell OS10
Configure Device for LAG
Physical Configuration
- 1, 1Gb/s copper SFP (Ethernet 1/1/1) for input
- 2, 1Gb/s copper SFPs (Ethernet 1/1/5/Ethernet 1/1/10) and 1, 1Gb/s, fiber SFP (Ethernet 1/1/12) for output
Configuration - Same as Test 1
The only change was I moved from port 9 to port 10.
! Version
! Last configuration change at Nov 01 01:52:29 2019
ip vrf default
interface breakout 1/1/13 map 100g-1x
interface breakout 1/1/14 map 100g-1x
interface breakout 1/1/15 map 100g-1x
iscsi enable
iscsi target port 860
iscsi target port 3260
system-user linuxadmin password $6$5DdOHYg5$JCE1vMSmkQOrbh31U74PIPv7lyOgRmba1IxhkYibppMXs1KM4Y.gbTPcxyMP/PHUkMc5rdk/ZLv9Sfv3ALtB61
username admin password $6$q9QBeYjZ$jfxzVqGhkxX3smxJSH9DDz7/3OJc6m5wjF8nnLD7/VKx8SloIhp4NoGZs0I/UNwh8WVuxwfd9q4pWIgNs5BKH. role sysadmin priv-lvl 15
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login console local
class-map type application class-iscsi
policy-map type application policy-iscsi
interface vlan1
no shutdown
interface port-channel1
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
interface mgmt1/1/1
no shutdown
no ip address dhcp
ip address
ipv6 address autoconfig
interface ethernet1/1/1
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/2
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/3
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/4
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/5
no shutdown
channel-group 1
no switchport
speed 1000
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/6
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/7
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/8
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/9
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
speed 1000
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/10
no shutdown
channel-group 1
no switchport
speed 1000
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/11
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/12
no shutdown
channel-group 1
no switchport
speed 1000
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/13
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/14
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
interface ethernet1/1/15
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 1
flowcontrol receive on
monitor session 1
destination interface port-channel1
source interface ethernet1/1/1
no shut
snmp-server contact "Contact Support"
I confirmed that the traffic did indeed go to different simulated sensors. This time I stopped the traffic generator, reset all the Wireshark sessions and then restarted the traffic generator. I set the filter on Wireshark to ahead of time on all three before examining a specific stream more closely as seen on host 3.
On host 3 you can see the synchronize packet go out with sequence number 3195700332 and you notice that the SYN, ACK response is missing. Look at host 2 and you can see the SYN, ACK with the expected response of 3195700333.